Our Mission
Supportive Transitional & Emergency Housing Ministry
STEHM is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), non-denominational organization whose mission is two-fold: at the Martha Houses I and II, to provide long-term transitional housing fostering the goal of independent living through counseling and life skills training in a safe, supportive environment for women and women with children; and through our Motel Ministry, to provide short term emergency housing for needy or displaced persons.

Martha Houses I and II

Motel Ministry

501(c)(3) Organization

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Martha House

Martha House provides long-term transitional housing for women and their children, fostering the goal of independent living through counseling and life skills training in a safe, supportive environment. Going beyond mere shelter, this program seeks to address many of the fundamental causes of homelessness (poverty, joblessness, and inability to find and maintain affordable housing), and to build foundations that will prevent their recurrence.

The comprehensive case management program at the Martha Houses takes into account the whole individual and includes the development of an individual service strategy for each resident. Through collaboration with other social service agencies, our case manager assists residents in finding education, job training, and employment: obtaining benefits, referrals to abuse services and healthcare providers, and transportation to services. Short- and long-term goals are established and monitored. Working with a certified financial counselor as part of our Financial Independence Program, residents learn to budget, reduce and avoid debt, and take responsibility for their financial choices, which is critical to their ability to successfully transition to independent housing.

In-house life-skills workshops cover topics such as nutrition, parenting, stress management, and fire safety. Residents are assigned household duties to learn to maintain a clean, safe environment. Martha House provides children stability and access to uninterrupted schooling and social services, and reunifies families separated due to their social situations, the goal being to support a positive family environment and to encourage and reinforce positive values. Enrichment activities for children focus on literacy, creativity, and emotional support. Children’s Education, and Targeted Support (CETS) Program offers academic tutoring and various activities to allow for artistic self-expression in a safe and welcoming play area which provides a sense of normalcy for children.

As residents approach program completion, our case manager meets with them to discuss housing options, prepare a realistic budget, and establish a target completion date. STEHM offers assistance by providing some basic furnishings for the new residence (mostly through donations), as well as financial assistance with initial expenses (e.g. first month’s rent, security deposits). Our case manager then maintains contact with these graduates to ensure that things are going smoothly.
Motel Ministry

STEHM’s Motel Ministry provides short-term emergency housing for individuals in need or displaced persons. Referrals for this program are accepted from social service agencies, school, hospitals, prison outreach, churches, and others for placement of individuals in approved motels for short-term stays, usually for a duration of one week. Clients can qualify for a one-week stay only once in a calendar year.
During FY 2023, this program served 187 men, women, and children for a total of 1267 people stay nights of emergency shelter.
Our History
STEHM had its beginnings in 1986, among social ministry groups at local churches, trying to help people in emergency situations who were seeking assistance and shelter. Volunteers began by obtaining funds to provide emergency shelter in motels to individuals in desperate need. Based on this early work the name STEHM was chosen, an acronym for
“Short-Term Emergency Housing Ministry.”
STEHM continued this work and, recognizing a further need, began in 1988 to provide transitional shelter with counseling, at a four-bedroom rental house in Wilmington called Martha House. The objective of this program was, and remains, to improve and further the abilities of unhoused persons to attain self-sufficiency and move to independent housing. Recognizing the continuing need for transitional shelter. STEHM purchased Martha House Il in 1998. doubling the number of persons sheltered. In 2001, STEHM purchased a second house, relinquishing the rental property, and identifying this house as Martha House I. Accordingly, the meaning of STEHM’s acronym was updated to “Supportive Transitional and Emergency Housing Ministry” in order to better reflect its complete array of services.
Since its start, STEHM has provided emergency and transitional shelter to more than 7,000 persons. A majority of the residents leaving Martha House I and Il have moved to independent housing.
STEHM is well known in the community, receiving requests for persons experiencing homelessness persons from many local
organizations. STEHM has been able to continue its mission thanks to generous contributions from many sources.
including individuals, government, businesses, private foundations, churches, and other charitable groups.
Opportunities to Help Us

Volunteer With Us
We offer volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, and groups. Contact us to see how you or your group can volunteer to help
Phone : 302-655-5568 Email: office@STEHM.org
Phone : 302-655-5568 Email: office@STEHM.org
Contact Us
Drop us a note and we will get back to you at the earliest! Include your address and we will add you to our newsletter mailing list.
P.O. Box 2617, Wilmington, DE 19805-0617